Free Webinar: PFACs in U.S. Children's Hospitals: Findings from a National Study
December 14, 2021 at 12 pm ET
Join us on December 14, 2021 from 12-1pm ET as IPFCC shares results from our recently-conducted national study of PFACs in children's hospitals. Presenters will share key learnings about the prevalence and characteristics of PFACs in children’s hospitals, discuss how PFACs adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and share a resource document that provides guidance to the field about strengthening partnerships with patients and families in children’s hospitals.
IPFCC's President and CEO, Bev Johnson, served as part of a team of co-authors of a new National Academy of Medicine special publication that outlines high-priority emerging issues in health, health care, and biomedical science and technology and offers cross-cutting opportunities to inform and shape PCORI’s strategic planning process to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of the U.S. health care system. Read more.
Resources and Opportunities
Supporting Parents as Essential Care Partners in Neonatal Units During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
An interesting article in the Acta Paediatrica Journal highlights the impact hospital restrictions during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had on care delivery and outcomes for neonates, families, and staff. Read the article here.
Family Integrated Care Model in the Neonatal ICU
Family Integrated Care (FICare), “integrates parents in the direct care of their child while the healthcare personnel act as teachers and guides.” This article describes results from a study in Spain to scale up and adapt FICare in level IIIC NICUs. Read the article here.
Families United to End Racism Against CYSHCN and Their Families - Webinar and Toolkit
Don't miss the launch of the new toolkit website developed by Family Voices United to End Racism Against CYSHCN and Families (FamU) project team! This toolkit was specially curated and designed with materials and resources to help address and dismantle racism. An introduction to the toolkit will be presented on a free webinar on November 30th from 3-4pm ET. Register here.
As we approach the holiday season, we will be taking a short break from our PFCC.Connect informal conversations. We look forward to seeing you at our next conversation in January 2022! As we plan our 2022 conversations, we want to hear from you! Please send any ideas or topics of interest for our next conversationto Ushma Patel
If you missed previous Informal Conversations, we encourage you to listen to the recordings and access materials/slides at PFCC.Connect Library. Not a member? JoinPFCC.Connect today!
Pinwheel Sponsors
IPFCC was excited to provide our Pinwheel Sponsors a complimentary copy of our new IPFCC resource, Advancing the Practice of Patient- and Family-Centered Care: An Organizational Self-Assessment last month. This self-assessment tool is designed to help a hospital or health system learn how it is operationalizing patient- and family-centered care and identify opportunities for improvement.
We are very grateful for your support as an IPFCC Pinwheel Sponsor. In December, we will reach out to share our 2021 program highlights and information about our 2022 Pinwheel Sponsorship renewal. Thank you for supporting us in our efforts to advance the understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care!
Looking for additional information on patient- and family-centered care?