February 2016
Issue 88
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Enjoy the Sights of Chicago While Attending IPFCC’s Intensive Training Seminar—Make It a Mini-Vacation

Join IPFCC in Chicago for Moving Forward with Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships for Quality and Safety, An Intensive Training Seminar, to be held April 4-6, 2016. 

Chicago FlyerOne key theme for this seminar is the important role of patients and families in patient safety. Many sessions offered will provide strategies for partnering with patients and families to improve safety. Examples include involving patients and their families in rounds and bedside shift report, best practices for safe discharge and transitions in care, and collaborative medication management. Several sessions also will highlight how patient and family advisors can collaborate with health care professionals in patient safety initiatives. Here a few of the many sessions on the agenda:

  • The Role of Patients, Families, and the Community in Patient Safety: Innovation and Best Practices
  • The Power of “All Teach, All Learn” ~ Engaging Patients and Families as Partners in Safety Across Organizations
  • Responding to Adverse Events and Medical Errors

chicagoCome to Chicago early and stay late—make it a mini-vacation! Known for its incredible architecture, and gorgeous Lake Michigan, Chicago is an amazing city to visit, for work and play. Enjoy breathtaking views of the famous skyline from the Willis Skydeck or the 360 Chicago Observatory. Take an architecture boat tour along the Chicago River. Stroll along the lakeside Navy Pier and enjoy its shops, restaurants, and entertainment. Attend the theater or check out world-class museums such as the Art Institute of Chicago. Don’t forget to visit Millennium Park, and see Cloud Gate, affectionately known as "The Bean.” Like to shop? Stores along The Magnificent Mile are steps away from the hotel. And, for you sports fans, tour Wrigley Field, or catch the 2015 Stanley Cup award-winner Blackhawks who will be playing at United Center, as will the Chicago Bulls.

The seminar will be held at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, located in the heart of downtown Chicago. Recently renovated, the hotel is conveniently located within walking distance of many of Chicago’s top attractions described above.

The Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile is holding a limited number of rooms for seminar participants at a group rate until 5:00 pm, Friday, March 11, 2016. Rooms may sell out before this date so make your reservations early. When calling the hotel at 877.303.0104, please indicate that you are with the IPFCC Seminar in order to receive the special group rate. Hotel reservation may also be made online.

United Airlines and Avis Rental are partnering with IPFCC, and offering discounts on their services for this event. Learn more….

Plan to join IPFCC's Moving Forward with Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships for Quality and Safety, An Intensive Training Seminar In Chicago, April 4-6, 2016. Learn more and register for the Seminar.


Many thanks to An
n & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago for its leadership support.

Seminar Brochure

Agenda ~ At a Glance

Register Now

Early Bird Deadline Extended!  Take Advantage of Early Bird Pricing ~ Register by February 26th! 

New NPSF Report Recommends Partnering With Patients and Families for the Safest Care

NPSF Report 2016The National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) recently released Free from Harm: Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement Fifteen Years after To Err Is Human, a report of an expert panel convened by NPSF. According to panel co-chair, Donald Berwick, “Despite some significant successes, we know that far too many people still suffer from avoidable injuries in care.” According to Berwick—a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Quality of Health Care in America Committee that produced the earlier report, To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System in 2000, “one of the objectives of this new work was to identify the gaps and outline the actions to save far more lives and avert far more harm.”

The report makes eight recommendations that are “based on the establishment of a total systems approach and a culture of safety.”

One of the report’s recommendations is to Partner With Patients And Families for the Safest Care. The report includes several strategies for implementing this recommendation, including membership of patients and families on “committees and governing bodies” and their meaningful involvement “in care design and safety and quality initiatives” and actively engaging patients in care, including shared decision-making, active patient participation in bedside rounds, and removing limits on family visiting hours. According to the report, “… optimal care depends on active involvement from patients and their families. Patients and families need to be actively engaged at all levels of health care. At its core, patient engagement is about the free flow of information to and from the patient.”

The report calls for a broader and more proactive approach, noting “Advancement in patient safety requires an overarching shift from reactive, piecemeal interventions to a total systems approach to safety. Adopting such an approach would mean leadership consistently prioritizing safety culture and the wellbeing and safety of the health care workforce. It means more complete development of the science, measurement, and tools of patient safety. To ensure maximal impact, moving from competition on safety to coordination and collaboration across organizations will be important. Such an approach also means thinking about safety in all aspects of care across the continuum, not just in hospitals. To ensure that the patient voice is heard, it must also include partnering with patients and families at all points along the journey.”

Read the full report.

Access the January 26, 2016 webcast, Free from Harm: Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement, featuring panel co-chairs. Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, President Emeritus and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and lecturer in the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School, and Kaveh G. Shojania, MD, Director of the Centre for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety at the University of Toronto and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, BMJ Quality & Safety.

Incorporating Suggestions of Children, Parents and Siblings Into Care 

CureMagazneIn the recent article in CURE Magazine, (Fall 2015), In a Family Way: Incorporating Suggestions of Children, Parents, and Siblings Into CareTheresa Sullivan Barger explores the meaning of patient- and family-centered care in the context of pediatric oncology.

“… It’s a mindset woven into every aspect of a hospital’s culture. It means including the ideas of parents, teens, and kids in the design of the treatment centers, as well as in the way the staff provides all aspects of care and support, including end-of-life care. It calls for training the entire staff and inviting parents and teen patients to talk with them about how to provide compassionate, inclusive care and improve patient and family experiences.“

Amy Billett, Director of Safety and Quality, Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s, notes that “As a pediatric oncologist, you can’t take care of a patient as an independent being…Parents are inextricably linked…Today, we’re more cognizant of the issues that affect families, not just patients.” Rachel Biblow, Senior Director of Patient and Family Services, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Cancer Center, notes that many “organizations across the country … are recognizing that when you really partner with families and surround them with a team of professionals, you’re better able to support them and you have better outcomes.”**

Read the entire article to learn how PFCC impacts individual families of oncology patients….

**IPFCC is proud to have Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston Children’s Hospital, and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as Pinwheel Sponsors. Learn more about IPFCC’s Pinwheel Sponsors program.
State Law Reflects Need to Involve Family During Hospitalization and Discharge Process
KHN logoAs reported by Anna Gorman, in Hospitals Required To Keep Caregivers In The Loop, January 6, 2016, Kaiser Health News,* the California Hospital & Family Caregiver Law (SB675) supports the involvement of and communication with family caregivers for patients in California hospitals, requiring hospital staffers to involve a family caregiver during the hospitalization and discharge process. California is among 18 states to pass such laws over the past two years, as “a growing awareness among policymakers and legislators that family caregivers play an important role during and after a relative’s hospitalization.” Learn more from AARP about this initiative.

IPFCC’s Better Together Toolkit provides guidance, strategies, pocket guides, and more, for hospital staff, patients, and families to work together as a team to ensure the best possible outcomes.

** Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service that is part of the nonpartisan Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.” This KHN story also ran in the Los Angeles News Group.

Primary Care Corner ~  The Power of Partnering wIth Patients and Families

Peach Health logoIn 2008, PeaceHealth Medical Group (PHMG)** Physicians Council established a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) in Eugene and Springfield, Oregon, in a deliberate effort to partner with patients and family members in the operations and strategy of its medical group. As a result of valuing the advisors’ unique insights, experience, and interests, trusted relationships developed. Since then, advisors and staff work together as partners to improve quality, safety, and the patient and family experience.

Early in the PFAC's work, patient and family advisors participated in community training on health care quality. Focusing on the importance of medication safety across the continuum of care, the PFAC decided to create a DVD video, Your Health Care and Safety: The Team Approach at PeaceHealth. Advisors created the script and acted in the video.

Another more recent example of the PFAC’s contributions is the improvement in communication between staff and patients who do not show up for scheduled appointments. The PFAC suggested the elimination of punitive language, replacing it with messages that are more respectful and caring, and are in alignment with PHMG’s mission of delivering compassionate care. “No Shows” are now called “Missed Appointments.” PHMG implemented a new tracking process to discern patterns, resulting in follow-up calls being made to support patients in keeping appointments, helping to decrease "dismissals" of patients for missed appointments. And now, when late for an appointment, unless patients choose to reschedule, every effort is made to see those patients the same day.

Advisors partnered to improve every aspect of the patient experience—from scheduling, checking-in, and rooming, to leaving with an After Visit Summary (AVS). With input from PFAC advisors, PHMG embraced how important it is to communicate respectfully, and better protect the privacy of patient information during the check-in process.

According to Dr. Rick Kincade, VP of Medical Affairs, “Woven into the fabric of our organization, the PFAC has made us stronger, more flexible and far more vibrant than we could have ever been without them. We are truly blessed.”

For more information, contact Patty Black, at pblack@peacehealth.org. Patty started as a volunteer patient advisor and is now a part-time Coordinator of Patient- and Family-Centered Care for PHMG.

**PeaceHealth Medical Group is a multi-specialty group serving more than 90,000 patients across Oregon.

Learn more about IPFCC's partnering with the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) as part of its Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) Support and Alignment Network (SAN).
If you are already partnering with patients and families, or want to learn how, a free learning community is forming now. For more information, please contact Mary Minniti at mminniti@ipfcc.org or sign up on IPFCC's PFAC Network.

NPSF’s United for Patient Safety Campaign ~ Celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week: March 13-19, 2016
The National Patient Safety Foundation's United for Patient Safety campaign is intended to “highlight and reinforce that all of us within the health care system have a role to play in keeping patients safe and free from harm.” It is “an ongoing education and engagement campaign that works to bring together diverse organizations with a commitment to patient safety and the general public to learn more about the topic, start important dialogue, and take action for improved safety conditions.

2016 PSAWAs part of this campaign, NPSF is celebrating Patient Safety Awareness Week (PSAW), March 13-19, 2016. According to NPSF, PSAW is designed to mark a dedicated time and a platform to increase awareness about patient safety among health professionals and the public.“ Learn more about how to celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week.

Watch NPSF's Ask Me 3® video, for tips for how a patient can be an active member of the health care team.

NPSF will be offering a free webinar, Patient Safety Is a Public Health Issue, on March 17 as part of PSAW. Learn more.

Nominations Open for 2016 John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement
2016 John Q Sherman AwardNominations are open for 2016 John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement. The award is a partnership between EngagingPatients.org, the National Patient Safety Foundation’s (NPSF) Lucian Leape Institute, and Standard Register HealthcareThe 2016 award will be conferred in May at the NPSF Patient Safety Congress in Scottsdale, Arizona. 

The deadline for nominations is March 11, 2016. 
Learn more….

In This Issue
  • Enjoy the Sights of Chicago While Attending IPFCC’s Intensive Training Seminar—Make It a Mini-Vacation 
  • New NPSF Report Recommends Partnering With Patients and Families for the Safest Care  
  • Incorporating Suggestions of Children, Parents and Siblings Into Care
  • State Law Reflects Need to Involve Family During Hospitalization and Discharge Process
  • Primary Care Corner  - The Power of Partnering wIth Patients and Families
  • NPSF’s United for Patient Safety Campaign ~ Celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week: March 13-19, 2016 
  • Nominations Open for 2016 John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement
  • Distinguished Authors Panel Featured at The 7th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care
  • IPFCC Webinars
    • 2015 Canadian Patient Safety Champion Awarded to IPFCC Pinwheel Sponsors
    • Retiring President and CEO of Memorial Health System Considers Developing Culture of PFCC as Greatest Achievement  
    • Better Together in New York Hospitals ~ Unique Educational Opportunity 

    Distinguished Authors Panel Featured at The 7th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care

    The 7th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships in Care, Interprofessional Education, and Research, to be held July 25-27, 2016, in New York City, will include a Distinguished Authors Panel on July 25th. The panelists include Will Schwalbe, author of The End of Your Life Book Club, and Tilda Shalof, author of Opening My Heart: A Journey from Nurse to Patient and Back Again. Liz Crocker, lead author of the award-winning book, Privileged Presence: Personal Stories of Connections in Health Care, will moderate the panel.            

    End of Your Life Book Club

    In his award-winning memoir, The End of Your Life Book Club, Will Schwalbe, a journalist, writes about his time spent with his mother, Mary Anne Schwalbe, during her treatment for cancer. During their many hours together in waiting rooms, their book discussions morphed into their informal “book club of two.” This moving book covers many topics—caregiving, mourning, and love, and is a reminder of the “joy of reading, and the ways that joy is multiplied when we share it with others.” 

    IOpeningMyHeartOpening My Heart: A Journey from Nurse to Patient and Back Again, Tilda Shalofauthor of multiple books and a critical care nurse from Toronto, Canada, with decades of experience as an ICU nurseshares her experience as a patient before, during, and after open heart surgery. Tilda “learned more in her week-long stay as a patient than in all her years caring for the critically ill, especially about trust and working in partnership with her caregivers.” Tilda shares insights learned from her experience as a patient, weaving “recollections from her career and accounts of other nurses’ experiences into her own story, creating the perfect marriage between fascinating clinical detail and a personal journey of healing.”

    In addition to participating in the panel discussion, all three authors will be signing books at the Conference Welcome Reception.

    Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to hear and meet these authors! Plan to join IPFCC's 7th International Conference in New York City, July 25-27, 2016Learn more and register for the Conference.

    IPFCC Webinars 

    If you missed today's webinar, 
    Partnering with Patients and Families Using Social Media, Mobile Platforms, and Virtual Technologies, with 
    Kelly Parent, IPFCC Program Specialist for Patient and Family Partnerships and PFCC Program Manager at the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS), and Juliette Schlucter, Director, Child and Family Experience, Sala Institute for Child and Family-Centered Care, NYU Langone Medical Center, the recording is available for purchase.

    Upcoming IPFCC Webinars:

    Engaging Patient and Family Advisors in Creating Patient-Centered Medical Home Transformation
    March 10, 2016

    Listen to Mary Minniti, IPFCC's Senior Policy and Program Specialist, and Bryant Campbell, Patient Advisor for Providence Medical Group in Portland, Oregon, to explore how effective partnerships with patients and families can be a powerful catalyst for change.

    Being an Effective Patient or Family Advisor
    March 23, 2016

    Learn how to maximize the impact and the potential of patient and family advisors, from Lisa Morrise, Patient and Family Leader and Advocate, Patient Co-Lead on the Patient and Family Affinity Group for the CMS National Partnership for Patients, and Adjunct Professor Brigham Young University.

    IPFCC’s webinars are a cost-effective educational resource. Cost is per line, so a group of any size can participate from the same location on one line. Handouts and supplemental resources are included with registration. Want people to participate from more than one location? IPFCC offers a discount for additional lines.

    Learn more about webinar faculty, learning objectives, and Pinwheel Sponsor discounts.

    2015 Canadian Patient Safety Champion Awarded to IPFCC Pinwheel Sponsors


    Congratulations to three IPFCC Pinwheel Sponsors for being recognized as 2015 Canadian Patient Safety Champion Awards.

    Providence Health Care
     received the HealthCareCAN and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) 2015 Canadian Patient Safety Champion Awar
    d. Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital received honorable mention. These organizations demonstrated achievements in safer care and inspiring stronger partnerships with patients and families. In addition to partnership and fostering collaboration, other selection criteria include impact, sustainability, innovation, and leadership.         

    The award-winning Providence Health Care “includes patient and family partners in many aspects of their planning and operational decision-making in relation to the hospital and inpatient experience. More than 200 patient and family partners participate in about 80 activities hospital-wide. Patient representatives sit on the Board, screen prospective new hires for interviews, and participate on panels to hire executive staff.” Read more about Providence Health Care’s award-winning PFCC work, and accomplishments of Thunder Bay and Holland Bloorview.

    The Price Family received the Patient Safety Champion Individual Award honoring their work to share the story of the death of their son and brother, Greg, at age 31, to inspire change in the the health care system. Honorable mention went to Keith Taylor, a Patient and Family Advisor at Thunder Bay Regional Health Services Centre and Kari Bulger, a Patient and Family Advisor at Alberta Health Services.  

    Congratulations to these Pinwheel Sponsor organizations, as well as the individuals who received awards!

    Retiring President and CEO of Memorial Health System Considers Developing Culture of PFCC as Greatest Achievement

    Congratulations to Frank V. Sacco, President and CEO, Memorial Health System, on his retirement this month. 
    MHS logo 2016
    During a recent interview by Sam Jacobs in a Special to the Miami Herald, when asked what he considers his greatest achievement in his 28 years as CEO, Sacco replied, “Developing a culture of patient/family-
    centered care and putting the patient first in everything, all the decisions we make.” When asked to clarify what this meant, his answer spoke to the importance of partnerships with patients and families, noting, …”We have patient and family advisory committees at each of our hospitals. When we build a new facility like the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital that we opened in 2011 we had the families involved in the design.” He further stated that, “Our patient satisfaction scores are high, our patient quality scores are high. Every one of the hospitals has been A-rated under the safety ratings from the Institute of Medicine. We’ve been rated one of the best places to work for many successive years—in the top 100 places to work in health care in the country.”

    Read Sam Jacob's Q&A with Frank Sacco: CEO of Memorial Health System Looks Back on Career — and Joe DiMaggio

    Read more about PFCC at MHS, an IPFCC Pinwheel Sponsor.

    All the best, Frank!


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    About Us

    Founded in 1992 as a nonprofit organization, the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care works to advance the understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care in all settings where individuals and families receive health care.

    Unique Educational Opportunity!

    Education and Support for New York City Hospitals


    March 22, 2016 ~ New York Academy of Medicine ~ New York City

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    Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care
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