May 2017
Issue 102 
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8th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care
Call for Abstracts Opens Soon

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With leadership
support from
Johns Hopkins Medicine logo

IPFCC Awarded PCORI Grant – Strengthening Diversity in Research Partnerships

In March 2017, the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC) received a Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) for the two-year project, “Strengthening Diversity in Research Partnerships: Knowledge to Action” (EAIN-4421). This project has two major components:
  • IPFCC staff will conduct a literature search, interviews with experts, and site visits to exemplary programs to develop a Knowledge to Action Report—Strengthening Diversity in Research Partnerships and a set of related resources to provide guidance and best practices for supporting increased diversity among the patients and families who participate in research.
  • In addition, the funding will support a portion of IPFCC’s 8th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Promoting Health Equity and Reducing Disparities being held in Baltimore, MD from June 11-13, 2018. Featured programming will highlight partnerships with patients and families from diverse and underserved communities in research and other initiatives.
An Expert Advisory Panel that includes patients and families from underrepresented communities with experience in partnerships, researchers, and clinicians will guide project activities.

For more information about this project, contact Marie Abraham, Vice President, Programming and Publications.

IPFCC Intensive Seminar at Beaumont Health
Man at table - beaumont seminar

On April 25-26, 2017 in Dearborn, MI, IPFCC conducted a seminar for Beaumont Health. More than 300 administrative leaders, clinicians, staff, and patient/family advisors attended. The participants represented all eight hospitals within the system as well as ambulatory, home health care, post acute, and long-term care facilities. The deans and other faculty from the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and Oakland University School of Nursing also attended. The two-day event included plenaries, numerous breakout sessions, and action planning.

In opening the seminar, John Fox, President and CEO, highlighted the importance of patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) to Beaumont Health, “PFCC brings our Mission, Vision, and Values to life in all we do.” He also described the health system’s goal and senior leadership commitment to becoming the national exemplar for PFCC practice by 2022.

IPFCC faculty, led by Bev Johnson, President and CEO, included Marnie Ammons, Pam Bell, Jeff Schlaudecker, Juliette Schlucter, Bill Schwab, and Perry Spencer. In addition, 30 Beaumont staff members, who had previously attended IPFCC seminars, facilitated tabletop discussions for reflection, storytelling, and action planning.

According to Susan Grant, Executive Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, and Executive Sponsor for PFCC at Beaumont Health, “The seminar was very impactful and transformational for all who attended. Our physicians, employees, executives, PFAs, and Board members were energized leaving the seminar and have already begun implementing their action plans! The seminar, by far, was the most powerful way to advance our work with PFCC.”

Beaumont, a not-for-profit organization, is the largest health system in Michigan and consists of eight hospitals with 3,337 beds, 168 outpatient sites, 10,000 nurses, 5,000 physicians, 35,000 employees and about 3,500 volunteers.

 Group working photo
The Beaumont seminar was based on IPFCC’s “mini seminar” model where IPFCC brings its seminar and faculty to a hospital, health system, medical group or other organization. The agenda and sessions are tailored to address the priorities of the specific organization. Learn more about IPFCC’s seminars.

Partnerships in Safety – Michigan Medicine
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Frequently, after joint replacement surgery, patients are sent to in-patient rehabilitation facilities, despite higher cost and the risk of acquired infections and falls. At Michigan Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, a QI project was designed with the goal of reducing (1) average length of stay (ALOS) in skilled nursing facilities (SNF) after surgery for joint replacement or (2) the rate of admission to SNFs after the same surgeries. Focus groups with patients, surgeons, and staff of SNFs first explored the underlying issues and revealed that patients felt uncertain about home discharge and did not understand the potential risks of transfer to SNFs.

A plan was developed to design and implement pre-surgery education for both patients and their family caregivers to help them better understand discharge options – and to feel more comfortable about discharge to home. Pre-surgical materials (both written and YouTube videos) were developed and tested with the involvement of patient and family advisors. All patients scheduled for joint replacement are required to attend a two-hour class, along with at least one family member or other designated caregiver. Patients are given a guidebook that provides information on how to prepare for surgery as well as what to expect during their hospital stay and after discharge. The guidebook also includes a removable document, called a “Care Pathway After Discharge.”

After approximately 12 months of using the new pre-surgery education with roughly 800 patients, UM has seen the following results:
  • LOS in one pilot SNF was reduced from 27 to 17 days.
  • Admission to all SNFs was reduced from 30% of joint replacement surgeries to 10-15%.
Michigan Medicine will continue to provide pre-surgery education to patients and caregivers and to track results. More detailed information about the education program is available on their website.

Primary Care Corner – PFE Metrics
IPFCC is partnering with the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) as part of its Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) Support Alignment Network (SAN). This column provides highlights from the field. 
Spotlight on TCPI Person and Family Engagement Performance (PFE) Metrics
We continue this month to share resources to help ambulatory practices embed PFE performance standards into the way they provide care and operate their practices. Below, we briefly explore the metric, Policy and Procedure, Health Literacy Survey.

Is a health literacy patient survey being used by the practice (e.g., CAHPS Health Literacy Item Set)?

The intent of this metric is to ensure that practices are systematic in addressing health literacy issues and in evaluating how well they provide information that is easily understood by patients and their families. “Health literacy” is defined in the Institute of Medicine report, Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion (2004), as "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions."

AHRQ’s National Healthcare Disparities Report (2007) reported that up to nine out of ten adults lack that capacity. But health literacy is more than just measurement of reading skills; thus, it is not enough to simply create educational materials at a lower reading level. The issues are much more complex. The following resources provide additional information and tools to help practices address health literacy:
Visit the PCPCC Support and Alignment Network website for information on upcoming events, as well as resources and other information to support patient- and family-centered care.

If you already partner with patients and families to improve primary or ambulatory care and want to share your successes or learn more, join the free online learning community for Primary and Ambulatory Care Partnerships on IPFCC's PFAC Network.

In this Issue 
  • IPFCC Awarded PCORI Grant – Strengthening Diversity in Research Partnerships

  • IPFCC Intensive Seminar at Beaumont Health

  • Partnerships in Safety – Michigan Medicine
  • Primary Care Corner – PFE Metrics
  • Webinars
  • Better Together 
    • Partnership for Patients (PfP)
    • St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto
  • Patient and Family Advisory Councils Educating Clinicians about Patient Needs
  • Join IPFCC to Celebrate Its 25th Anniversary
Upcoming Webinars 

Developing and Maintaining a Peer Mentor Program

Stacy Brand
University of Michigan Transplant Center at Michigan Medicine

Get more details and register.


Collaborating with Patients and Families in Quality Improvement

Mary Minniti, BS, CPHQ

Krista Rosa Brennan
Stanford Health Care

Get more details and register.

Featured Webinar Recordings

Missed one of these IPFCC webinars? Register to view the recording!

A Beginner's Guide to Advancing Patient- and Family-Centered Care

Involving Patient and Family Advisors as Teachers in Medical Education

Contact IPFCC to register for a recording. 

IPFCC Webinars are a cost-effective educational resource. Cost is per line, so a group of any size can participate from the same location on one line. Learn more

Better Together  
Partnership for Patients (PfP)
On May 23, 2017, the Patient and Family Engagement (PFE) and the Readmissions Affinity Groups of Partnership for Patients (PfP) held a joint webinar focused on using IPFCC's Better Together campaign as a strategy for reducing unnecessary hospital readmissions. Listen to the recording here

St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto
The Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI) is IPFCC’s exclusive Canadian partner for the Better Together campaign. Nearly 50 hospital and healthcare organizations in Canada are either reviewing or already adopting family presence policies – including welcoming families 24/7 according to patients' preferences. In a new 4-minute video, St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto shares the rationale and process for changing its “visiting” policy through interviews with a patient, family member, Patient/Family Advisor, nurse, and Security staff. View the video.

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Access the tools in the Better Together campaign. Pledge to have your hospital or health system part of the Better Together campaign.

Patient and Family Advisory Councils – Educating Clinicians about Patient Needs
Six Family Advisory Councils at Johns Hopkins Hospital collaborated to create a video based on patient wish lists they each had created in response to the questions, “What is important to you during your health care experience? What do you wish the health care team knew?” Common themes emerged across Councils and were integrated into the video, “What I Wish You Knew . . . Sharing Perspectives from the Bedside.” Watch the video.

Screen Shot Hopkins video young female patient

The video will be used in staff training sessions focused on PFCC and improving the patient experience, along with a toolkit of other materials. According to Sue Mead, Parent Advisor to the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center who led the project, “The process of creating this video confirmed that the core concepts of PFCC cross all boundaries and settings.”

Join IPFCC to Celebrate Its 25th Anniversary  
We are celebrating IPFCC’s 25 years of leading the field in patient- and family-centered care and our commitment to continue that work into the future.
 25th anniversary Pinwheel
Join us for the Gala dinner at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, November 3, 2017. 

IPFCC’s accomplishments under the leadership of Bev Johnson, Founder, President and CEO, will be recognized. More information will follow in the upcoming months about this special celebratory event. And, please consider making a contribution to IPFCC to support and expand its work.



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April 2017
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About Us
Founded in 1992 as a nonprofit organization, the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC) works to advance the understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care in all settings where individuals and families receive health care.
Jeff and other faculty at Beaumont seminar
IPFCC faculty at Beaumont Health seminar in Dearborn, MI

Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care
6917 Arlington Road, Suite 309 • Bethesda, MD 20814