
February 2019
Issue 119

IPFCC at Work
Strengthening Diversity in Research Partnerships
Knowledge to Action Guide Cover
IPFCC is pleased to announce new resources on its website, including a Knowledge to Action Guide and videos. The resources summarize the findings from a 2-year project that explored best practices for collaborating with patient, family, and community partners from populations typically under-represented in research. This was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award.

IPFCC's Bev Johnson Speaks at RMHC Conference in the Netherlands
View from balconies in the new Cancer Center in Utrecht, designed with family input.
IPFCC collaborated recently with Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds in the Netherlands. At a meeting in Amersfoort, Bev Johnson participated in interactive sessions with clinicians and staff from 12 hospitals across the Netherlands and Ronald McDonald House managers, discussing best practices in family-centered care and recommending opportunities to advance practice. Bev also participated in site visits at Houses and hospitals in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht. Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds has 13 Houses, 12 Rooms, and 3 “holiday houses,” providing services to children and families in the Netherlands.
Upcoming Webinars
  • "Walk-Abouts" and "PhotoVoice"—Two Practical Strategies to Engage Staff and Patient and Family Advisors
    March 28, 2019
    Registration coming soon!
Featured Recorded Webinars
PFCC in the Field 
IPFCC is partnering with the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) as part of its Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) Support Alignment Network (SAN).
This section brings stories from the field, from this initiative and others, right to your inbox. Some stories describe programs that have just begun; others describe more well-developed programs.
Emory Healthcare: Integrated Memory Care Clinic (IMCC)
Started in May 2015, the IMCC at Emory is a nationally recognized patient-centered medical home that provides primary care, individualized for people living with dementia – and their families. Patient and Family Advisors have been an integral part of IMCC since its inception.
Read more

Resources and Opportunities
Patient and Family Advisors at Children's Mercy Hospital System
Children's Mercy entrance photo

The January/February 2019 issue of Pediatric Nursing, in its “Family Matters” section, highlights Children’s Mercy, an early adopter of patient and family engagement. Its first Advisory Council began in 1999. Now, 20 years later, the hospital system has significantly expanded the involvement of patients and families. Three parents have staff positions; there are 15 PFACs; and parents serve on all ten of the system’s Hospital Acquired Condition committees.
Read more about Children's Mercy

New Report on Difficult Decisions in Post-Acute Care
The United Hospital Fund, with support from NYSHealth, recently published the second report in its four-part series, “Difficult Decisions.” The new report highlights challenges faced by patients and families during transitions to post-hospital care as well as the perspectives of health care providers on discharge planning.
Read the report

NYSHealth Announces New Funding for Conference Participation
logo-nyshThrough a Request for Proposals, NYSHealth will sponsor nonprofit and other low-resource organizations in New York State to attend or present their work at local, state, or national conferences. The work must be related to the Foundation’s funding areas of Building Health Communities, Empowering Health Care Consumers, and Veterans’ Health. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Review the Request for Proposals

pfcc connect Free Virtual Discussions
Over the past few months, IPFCC has hosted several virtual informal conversations on a variety of topics related to health care. Thank you to everyone who has participated and shared their experiences, insights, ideas, and questions with each other! For those who may not have had the chance to join, be sure to become a member of our free online community, PFCC.Connect, today to watch recordings of previous conversations and stay updated about our March conversation coming soon! 
Join PFCC.Connect Today!

Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care
6917 Arlington Road, Suite 309 • Bethesda, MD 20814