Upcoming Free Webinars
A COVID Year in Review: What We’ve Learned About Partnerships Across the Continuum
Thursday, March 11th, Noon EDT
Upcoming PFCC.Connect Informal Conversations
The Evolution of Patient and Family Advisory Councils During the Time of COVID
Tuesday, February 9th, Noon EDT
Report on PFACs in U.S. Children’s Hospitals - Stay Tuned!
IPFCC recently concluded survey data collection for our study of PFACs in U.S. children’s hospitals, funded by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. Over 155 children's hospitals responded to the survey, representing incredible engagement. IPFCC will use the survey data to develop a report about the prevalence and functioning of PFACs in U.S. children's hospitals, including information about how hospitals have adapted amidst COVID.
Resources and Opportunities
Parents Are Essential Caregivers Too
Three organizations—Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), National Perinatal Association (NPA) and National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)—published a Consensus Statement on Family Presence in NICUs re-affirming their commitment to supporting parents' roles as "essential caregivers."
COVID-19 and Children’s Mental Health
The “Family Matters” section of the November/December issue of Pediatric Nursing journal featured an article titled, “Mental Health Needs during COVID-19: Responses in Pediatric Health Care.” Background research for the article was partially supported by a grant to IPFCC from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health.
New Resources for Family Presence During COVID
Building on previous work, the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, together with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, launched a new program, Essential Together, providing practical resources to support family presence during COVID. These resources include pre-entry preparation for families (essential care partners), a screening process, and education for staff about roles and safety protocols for essential care partners.
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources
PFACs and PFAs can be helpful in building trust in communities with the dissemination of accurate and understandable information about vaccines. They can contribute to the development of strategies to address vaccine hesitancy. The following are resources that might be useful to PFACs and PFAs in planning vaccine campaigns with their organization’s Communication Department(s) and pandemic planning committees or other departments.
COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Project Recommendations: The Reagan-Udall Foundation led this project that included a landscape analysis, listening sessions, development of key messages about vaccines, and testing to address issues of distrust and concern among traditionally underrepresented communities and frontline workers in service, retail, and healthcare settings. Learn more about the project and recommendations here.
Poll on Vaccine Acceptance Language: A nationwide poll was conducted by the de Beaumont Foundation and pollster Frank Luntz in partnership with the American Public Health Association, the National Collaborative for Health Equity, and Resolve to Save Lives, an Initiative of Vital Strategies to gain insights into language to improve confidence in COVID vaccines. More information can be found here.
COVID Workbooks from Michigan Medicine: The Office of Patient Experience at Michigan Medicine has developed nine guides for patients and families/caregivers experiencing COVID-19. The extensive information includes prevention, testing and quarantine, hospital admission, staying connected during hospitalization, and recovery at home. Access the free guides here.
Pinwheel Sponsors
Special thank you to our devoted IPFCC Pinwheel Sponsors! With your 2021 renewal and support, IPFCC can continue our work in developing and sustaining meaningful partnerships with patients and families within hospitals, ambulatory programs, and other care settings. Current Pinwheel Sponsors will be receiving their 2021 renewal notifications soon from Sherry Hajec at shajec@ipfcc.org. Pinwheel Sponsor organizations gain national and international visibility of their commitment to patient- and family-centered care.
Recordings from Past Webinars & Informal Conversations
Addressing Behavioral Health Needs in the Time of COVID: Building Partnerships and Resiliency
January 21, 2021
Other COVID specific webinar recordings are available here. If you missed previous webinars, you can access all the recordings here.
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