Integrating patient and family educators is not a new phenomenon in medical education. It has been done for decades. Unfortunately, it is not a firmly established nor consistent approach. Yet, when students learn about, from, and with people who are experts about their own health and health care, they are prepared to promote and support an approach to practice that welcomes all patients and families as full partners in their care.
With funding from the New York State Health Foundation, IPFCC led a project focused on developing, testing, and disseminating a comprehensive resource for establishing new patient and family faculty programs in medical education or expanding current ones. To produce this new online resource, IPFCC assembled a project team with experience creating, implementing, and serving as patient or family faculty members in such programs. The team engaged in multiple activities, including conducting a literature search, creating a national advisory committee, partnering with Vizient to analyze findings from a national survey of programs, interviewing exemplars, and working with four New York-based implementation sites to test the resource and provide feedback.
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For decades, underserved populations have been under-represented as participants and collaborators in health research. Reasons for this include factors within communities, such as mistrust of and fear around research, and lack of understanding and skills on the part of researchers around engaging under-represented populations. COVID-19 further increased challenges to creating respectful and authentic research partnerships.
With funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), IPFCC partnered with Smart from the Start (Smart), a community organization that promotes healthy development of young children and families living in the most underserved communities of Boston, MA and Washington, DC, to identify barriers to engaging communities in research during COVID-19. The team also developed resources providing information and strategies to both researchers and community organizations.
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Many children’s hospitals have a long history with Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs). However, until recently, there had been no national research done about this important approach for engaging patients and families as partners in change and improvement.
From late 2019 through August 2021, the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC), in collaboration with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, conducted a study exploring the prevalence and characteristics of PFACs in children’s hospitals as well as factors contributing to their effectiveness. Because of the timing of the study, it also incorporated questions about how PFACs were impacted by and responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study and the webinar are supported by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, Palo Alto, CA.
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This last year has been unlike any other as the pandemic has taken its toll across the globe. Despite the challenges, many healthcare organizations have renewed their commitment to patient- and family-centered care. Join this webinar to review the power of partnerships and how patient and family advisors have stayed connected to help promote safety, quality and resiliency. Emerging best practices and new tools will be shared, including IPFCC’s resource, “Family Presence During A Pandemic: Guidance for Decision-Making.”
This free webinar is made possible by the support of the New York State Health Foundation
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Family Presence During a Pandemic: Guidance for Decision-Making
The Virtual Patient and Family Advisory Council in the COVID-19 Era
Connecting with patients during COVID-19: perspectives on safety
COVID-19 Symptom Checker
Partnerships during COVID-19
COVID-19 Best Practices website
Mary Minniti, CPHQ
Mary Minniti is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality with over 30 years of experience in the field. She joined IPFCC in 2011 and currently works as a Senior Policy and Program Specialist. She provides technical assistance and training to advance patient- and family-centered care practices across all health care settings. Prior to joining IPFCC, she served as a quality leader for an integrated health care system in the Pacific Northwest. Innovative programs within the health care system and in the community were influenced by her passion and skill in collaborating with patients, families, and the community in meaningful ways. She leads the New York State Health Foundation-funded project entitled “Supporting PFCC Practices and Strategies in the Time of COVID-19.”
After 10 months, the pandemic continues to surge across the nation and world. This webinar explores the different ways that individuals and organizations have responded to the emerging or exacerbated behavioral health needs of individuals. Strategies for patients, families as well as health care workers will be highlighted to offer practical ideas.
This free webinar is made possible by the support of the New York State Health Foundation
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Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic by Caring for Our Health Care Workforce as They Care for Our Patients
Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Peer-Led Recommendations for Supporting Individuals Receiving Care in State Psychiatric Facilities during the COVID-19 Crisis
Mental Health in Canada: Covid-19 and Beyond
Creating Wellness in a Pandemic: A Practical Framework for Health Systems Responding to Covid-19
The Behavioral Health System and Its Response to COVID-19: A Snapshot Perspective
Additional Clips
Ellie Hirshberg - Supporting Family Presence in an ICU - A Doctor’s Perspective
Caroline Nestro - Behavioral Health Service Changes at University of Rochester Medical Center – Department of Psychiatry
Special Webinar Guests:
Eliotte L. Hirshberg, MD
Dr Hirshberg is a board certified and practicing physician in both Adult and Pediatric critical care medicine. She is the Associate Director for the Intermountain Healthcare Center for Humanizing Critical Care, and the director of the ICU Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) and has led initiatives, research projects and published papers geared toward optimizing the patient and family experience during critical illness. She is also a certified professional coach from the LODESTAR program which focus' on changing the culture of communication in medicine by utilizing a trauma informed approach to coaching and communication. Since March 2020, Dr. Hirshberg has been on the frontlines providing hospital ICU care for patients suffering from the Corona-virus. She extended her clinical duties in April of 2020 to provide a Post COVID aftercare and recovery clinic for patients and family members healing from COVID-19. Her leadership includes participation in creation of a state-wide COVID survivor and Loss to COVID grief support groups, feedback on first responder and COVID crisis support. She has also helped create key policies and communication updates to encourage family involvement in the care of patients with COVID-19.
Caroline S. Nestro, PhD, MS, RN
Caroline Nestro is a Senior Associate in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center where she directs the Office for Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, & Equity. While beginning her career in medical-surgical nursing, she has worked across the continuum of mental health care, since 1984. Throughout her career, she has used strength-based approaches to patient care as well as in the provision of supervision and mentoring. Her leadership was instrumental in facilitating the creation of the Department of Psychiatry Advisory Council of Consumers (DPACC) in 2006. She also spearheads and participates in a variety of initiatives aimed at facilitating learning and dialogue regarding inequity related to difference.
Mary Minniti, CPHQ
Mary Minniti is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality with over 30 years of experience in the field. She joined IPFCC in 2011 and currently works as a Senior Policy and Program Specialist. She provides technical assistance and training to advance patient- and family-centered care practices across all health care settings. Prior to joining IPFCC, she served as a quality leader for an integrated health care system in the Pacific Northwest. Innovative programs within the health care system and in the community were influenced by her passion and skill in collaborating with patients, families, and the community in meaningful ways. She leads the New York State Health Foundation-funded project entitled “Supporting PFCC Practices and Strategies in the Time of COVID-19.”
COVID-19 has taken a tremendous toll, especially among Seniors living in continuing care communities (e.g. nursing homes, assisted living). Early outbreaks in these settings resulted in a higher incidence of death. As a result, many nursing homes “locked down” to prevent further outbreaks. This webinar explores the overall impact of these initial responses and policies. Innovative approaches to ensure safety while still reducing isolation and emotional harm will be discussed. Expert panel members will share their experiences and explore emerging opportunities even as the pandemic continues. This free webinar is supported by the New York State Health Foundation.
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, should I or my family member go to live with family or stay in the long-term care or nursing home?
Designing Gardens to Attract Activity
During the COVID-19 pandemic, should I go to live with family/friend or stay in my retirement/assisted living home?
Experiences of Nursing Home Residents During the Pandemic
Rapid PACE Responses in a Covid-19 Era: The Future of Comprehensive HCBS is Here
A New Decade of Authentic Resident Engagement
Visitation and Activity Modification Plans Resident and Family Survey
Family Councils and Advocacy During COVID-19
Panel Members:
Eva Chmielewski, RN BSN
Staff Education Coordinator
Martha T. Berry Skilled Nursing Facility
Reverend Dr. Derrick C. Dewitt, Sr.
Chief Finance Officer
The Maryland Baptist Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Richard J. Mollot
Executive Director
The Long Term Care Community Coalition
Rob Schreiber, MD, AGSF
Vice President and Medical Director
Summit ElderCare
Mary Minniti, CPHQ
Senior Policy and Program Specialist
Through a variety of ways, IPFCC has been able to observe what the field has done since March 2020. COVID-19 has highlighted certain issues and a number of pediatric settings have responded creatively to maintain the “essence” of patient- and family-centered care, often utilizing partnerships with patients and families. This webinar will summarize and share some of these emerging best practices.
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Bev Johnson, BSN, FAAN
Deborah Dokken, MPA
When the COVID-19 pandemic threatened the welfare and safety of patients, health care providers and the community, hospitals suspended established family presence and visitation policies. The partnerships with patient and family advisors was challenged as well. This webinar highlights the ways that organizations committed to authentic partnerships have co-created solutions to address safety and facilitate family presence. Practical ideas, strategies and resources will be shared. This free webinar is supported by the New York Health Foundation.
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Patient Rights and Responsibilities
DCP Program Booklet
Coordinated Care Program CCP Policy
DCP Contract
Kelly Parent
Vice President for the Patient & Family Experience
Beaumont Health
Ann Arbor, MI
Lisa Raffoul
Patient Advocate
Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare
Windsor, ON, Canada
Mary Minniti, CPHQ
Senior Policy and Program Specialist
Eugene, OR
According to the United Nations, children today face anxiety about the negative impact of the pandemic on their lives and their communities, and uncertainty regarding the future. Join us for a webinar focused on the mental health needs of children as a result of COVID-19. Learn how Children’s Mercy hospital system and other pediatric settings are adapting and expanding their services to meet these new needs – in partnership with parent advisors and using virtual technology. The webinar is part of a series of free learning events funded by a grant from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, Palo Alto, California.
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DeeJo Miller
Program Manager
Children's Mercy Hospital
Jamila Weaver
Parent Advisor
Children's Mercy Hospital
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Telehealth is an exciting new area for many health systems that has been created virtually overnight due to the recent need for social distancing. Patients to date have been wildly enthusiastic about this service and very kind about any technical difficulties and limitations. As services reopen after a surge in COVID infections however, patient expectations rise and the need to deliver systems that meet those expectations become more urgent. The most efficient way to design services is to involve the end user from the beginning, which is what the Cambridge Health Alliance has done using patient partners. Join us for this exciting discussion about how to integrate patient voice into the design of your new services using telehealth as our example.
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Kirsten Meisinger, MD, MHCDS
Director of Provider Engagement and Regional Medical Director, CHA
Faye Kolin
Patient Partner, CHA
Farah Shaikh
Patient Partner, CHA
IPFCC’s webinar "Patient- and Family-Centered Strategies in the Time of COVID-19" provides insights and hope during this stressful time. Honoring the essential partnerships we have developed with patients, families, and communities is important especially now. IPFCC reached out to patient- and family-centered leaders working in the field to identify emerging best practices and resources.
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Bev Johnson, BSN, FAAN
Mary Minniti, CPHQ