Upcoming Free Informal Conversations
“Where Do We Go From Here?”
Tuesday, April 6th, noon ET
This is the 8th and final conversation in a series funded by a grant from the New York State Health Foundation. As you look back on living with COVID-19 for over a year, what insights have you gained? Were there high points in the year you wish to share and celebrate? It has been challenging and stressful for many of us. What have you or others done to strengthen individual and organizational resilience? What support and information in sustaining effective partnerships are still needed? How can we continue to learn together and support the core concepts of patient- and family-centered care?
Join us to identify ways that the PFCC.Connect learning community can continue to advance PFCC now and post-pandemic. These informal conversations are participatory in nature, building on the experience and strengths of those who join the call. The discussion is guided by what participants want to learn more about and through sharing our collective experiences.