These three companion guides, plus an accompanying poster, outline practical ways to work Together as a team. These resources are available to easily download, personalize for your hospital, reproduce or order in quantity, and distribute to staff, families, and other care partners.
Some links below are for viewing the content online or for desktop printing; others are ideal for printing the materials personally or professionally. Alternatively, these materials can be ordered from IPFCC.
Pocket Guide for Staff
This simple list of suggestions is based on the acronym, PARTNERS, encourages clinicians and other hospital staff to support families and care partners as members of the health care team.
Pocket Guide for Families
This simple list of suggestions is based on the acronym, TOGETHER, encourages families and other care partners to take an active role while a loved one or friend is hospitalized. It is intended to be given to families and care partners as soon as feasible (in pre-admission packet, at admission).
Expanded Guide for Families
Based on the Pocket Guide for Families, the tool offers expanded information for families and care partners, encouraging them to ask questions to take a more active role.
The text of the Pocket Guide for Families is also available in poster formats in three sizes to post in hallways or in patient rooms. The 8 1/2 x 11 size can be viewed on screen and printed on individual desktop printers. A professional print or copy shop can produce the 8 1/2 x 14 and the 11 x 17 sizes with the high resolution PDF files provided.