Questionnaire for Profiles of Peer Mentor Programs
Institution/Organization, Contact Information and brief institution description
- Name of Institution/Organization
- Please provide contact information (name, address, phone, email & website)
Organizational Structure
- How is your Peer Program aligned with your organization strategies and/or goals?
- Who were the initial members of your Peer Mentoring Program planning team?
- Tell us your Peer Mentor Program reporting structure?
- Tell us about your Peer Program coordination and dedicated staffing (including supervision and ongoing support for the mentor)?
Share with us some specifics about your Peer Program dedicated staff--
- Specific educational degree
- Salary range
- Full or part time
Finances and Operating Budget
- How do you financially support your Peer Program (i.e. Operating Budget)?
Models and Locations of Peer Mentors
- When did you start providing Peer Mentor Programs?
Tell us about the Peer Models you provide:
- One to One
- Group Support
- Hybrid
- What departments/areas do you provide Peer Programs?
Which clinical setting(s) is your Peer Mentor Programs offered:
Hospital (inpatient)
- Unit specific
- Diagnosis Specific
- ICU/Trauma
- Specialty Clinic
- Outpatient/Ambulatory
Size of Program
- How many active Peer Mentors are in your program?
Recruitment, Training, Management and Support
Tell us about your Peer recruitment, training and support.
- How do you recruit your peers?
- How many hours of training do you require?
- Do you provide additional ongoing peer education?
- Tell us about who matches your peers, and a little bit about your matching protocol (process by which peers are matched with mentees)?
- How is your Peer Program aligned with psychosocial support?
- How are your peers recognized and celebrated?
How do you evaluate your Peer Program.
Please include how your PROGRAM is evaluated and how your MATCHES are evaluated?
Evaluation and Sustainability
- Share with us your plans for sustainability or growth?
- Do you have any published research?