Our expert staff and faculty can help you strengthen your ability to advance and support the practice of patient- and family-centered care (PFCC). We work with you to tailor content to best meet your organization’s priorities and needs.
Training Topics:
- Leading Change in Organizational Culture
- Partnering with Patient and Family Advisors in Pandemic Planning as Central to Community Engagement
- Aligning Patient- and Family-Centered Initiatives with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Core Competencies for Creating Partnerships to Achieve the Quadruple Aim
- Conducting Assessments to Guide Planning and Change
- Integrating PFCC into Your Strategic Plan
- Creating the Expectation and Accountability for PFCC
- Understanding the Business Case for PFCC
- Building the Infrastructure for PFCC and Authentic Partnerships with Patients and Families
- Measuring Outcomes
- Sharing Stories to Inspire, Inform, and Educate
- Personnel Policies and Programs to Support PFCC Practice
- Collaborative Design Planning

In June 2016, Maureen Connor, RN, MPH sat down with Jim Conway, MS, to record a StoryCorps discussion about Jim’s experience as a leader and his view about why patient- and family-centered care is essential.