Creating Sustainable Partnerships with Patients and Families in Research: Selected References. Developed by the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care.
Involving Patient and Family Advisory Councils in Stages of Research. Activities and questions to ask for PFACs developed by the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care.
Community Engaged Research YouTube Channel. Videos from the High Plains Research Network, University of Colorado, Denver Colorado.
Engaging Patients and Other Stakeholders: Guidance from the PCORI Engagement Rubric. A PCORI developed CME/CE tutorial on stakeholder engagement with interviews and activities. Also see the PCORI Engagement Rubric.
Family Engagement in QI and Research. Presentation by Beth Silber, MPA, Family Consultant, Sala Institute for Child and Family Centered Care, Patients and Families as Advisors in Research and Quality Improvement Key Driver Diagram, and a Description of the Roles and Responsibilities of Advisors and Researchers.
Bloorview Research Institute Advisor Materials. Letter Requesting Advisor Participation, Review Form, and Letter to Researcher, and other helpful materials shared by Bloorview Research Institute for PFA involvement in research projects.
Initiative to Support Patient Involvement in Research (INSPIRE): Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Community Workshop. Videos from a 2016 workshop convened by INSPIRE a project promoting research partnerships across the Pacific Northwest region. Also see Workshop Summary and Report.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). PCORI provides many videos about their funded research and partnerships in research through their Vimeo site and YouTube Channel.
Why I’m Involved: Stories from Patients Shaping Asthma Research. From the Asthma Evidence to Action Network (E2AN) project, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).