Token participation doesn’t honor our expertise! Involve us in the initial planning stages of an educational event, not just at the end when everything is already decided.
Family Faculty Advisor, IPPC
Token participation doesn’t honor our expertise! Involve us in the initial planning stages of an educational event, not just at the end when everything is already decided.
Family Faculty Advisor, IPPC
Patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) staff and selected patient and family advisors should be invited to serve on the IPE Steering, Curriculum Policy, Competency Development/Evaluation Committees and others. Involvement at this foundational level of program design will ensure that both PFCC principles and a commitment to patient/family educators will be woven into the fabric of all education.
The University of Michigan IPE Executive Committee, that includes representatives from the schools of medicine, nursing, social work, pharmacy, dentistry, and kinesiology as well as health programs on satellite campuses, has engaged the Michigan Medicine’s Department of PFCC to consult with faculty as IPE courses are being developed.
IPE models have been successful in improving knowledge of disease process and helping students understand how the health care team members effectively work together. However, we have yet to see significant impact on the outcomes of those receiving care. We hope that the addition of the patient and family voice to our IPE Executive Steering Committee as well as educators in learning environments will result in what truly matters - improved patient self-management and satisfaction, better health outcomes, and improved quality of life.
Frank J. Ascione, PhD
Director, University of Michigan Center for Inteprofessional Education